Week 5 – More Cult Typologies, & Support Systems

When widespread exposure of cults beyond religion occurred, more destructive systems emerged that required a detailed review. As it stands, there are destructive groups in almost any imaginable category ranging from yoga studios to online forums. These leaders have capitalized on victims in transitions in their lives who were promised desired changes or world-saving effects, and yet get trapped in trafficking or domestic violence, child abuse schemes, or more. Often, the cult leaders strip their victims of support, finances, and anything left to draw their victims away from their group and keep them there. But there is help available. There are outreach services and some domestic violence shelters that can help extricate a victim from the clutches of their captors. This is the last week of the awareness month, so let’s let the messaging feel hopeful and uplifting, and point to resources such as books, blogs, or agencies that can help.

Hashtags:  #internationalcultawarenessmonth #icam #icam2022 #newreligiouscult #Doomsdaycults #destructivecults #EsotericCults #Fascismcults #terroristcults #paramilitarycults #sexcults #secretsocieties #Christiancults #Pagancults #Catholiccults #Cultsofpersonality #psychotherapycults #easternreligioncults #sataniccults #blackmagiccults #theoccult #multimarketingcults #spiritualitycults #lifecoachcults #humanpotentialcults #transformationalcults #newagecults #propheticcults #mysticallyorientedcults #priestorprophetcults #messianiccults #footreadingcults #spacecults #nudistcults #prosperitycults #Angelcults

